Cole Hatcher is the longest serving member of the current Main Street Delaware Board of Directors. He’s been serving at the pleasure of the President of Ohio Wesleyan University for well over a decade. His commitment to join the communities of Delaware and OWU is inspiring!

Let’s get to know him a little better:
Tell us a little about yourself outside of your MSD duties: I am Ohio Wesleyan University’s director of media and community relations and a board member for Crawford College Connection, a nonprofit organization that awards need-based college scholarships to students at three high schools in Crawford County, Ohio.
Why did you want to be a part of the MSD board?: As Ohio Wesleyan’s appointed Main Street Delaware board member, I’ve been on the board for nearly 16 years!It’s very rewarding to work with so many talented and committed individuals who are passionate about preserving, promoting, and protecting our historic downtown.
What do you love about Delaware?: I love the downtown, with its wide variety of restaurants and shops, and love all of the opportunities to attend plays, art exhibits, lectures, sporting events, and more at Ohio Wesleyan!
What’s your favorite Main Street event?: The Farmers Market always offers something irresistible.
What is your favorite downtown business?: How do you pick just one? I own way too many music CDs, but still have to say Endangered Species.